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What are the advantages of HongEr Double Head Decoiler

What are the advantages of HongEr Double Head Decoiler 
Aiming of Double Head Decoiler
Aiming to save the metal coil changing time, improve production efficiency. 

When the driven coil is over, the backup metal coil will be ready to be connected to the driver within a very short period of time. When you connect the new coil to the driver, you will have a long time to load another spare coil. Double-headed decoiler is an ideal solution for production plants where production speed and continuity are crucial in serial manufacturing.

The structure
1. Leaf: it's four-blade type-- this structure allows the coil to be placed more firmly.
2. The surface: the surfaces are chrome-plated-- this makes the surface strong and durable, and prevent the coil from being damaged.
3. Uncoiler spindle: 45# seamless steel tube. after being tempered and treated, it will not be deformed due to long-term load. these techniques can extend the service life of machine.
manual and oil pressure expansion styles
customer can choose manual and hydraulic expansion styles.
Usually material weight under 3 tons can use manual expansion.
If the material weight is heavy, the hydraulic expansion is suggestion. 
Application Scope
The decoiler machine is the most basic and most necessaty in the stamping industry, it can be applicable to all kinds of coil feeding and it can work with all kinds of straightener.